JAcob Shepherd
Morgan Wilson
About Me
Hi, my name is Jacob Shepherd and I am a sophomore Computer Science major Philosophy minor at St. Norbert College. This website is affiliated with our semester-long project for the Computer Organization and Assembly Language class. I have no previous experience with drone programming or app development but am excited to learn with some hands on application.
About Me
Hi, I am Morgan Wilson and I am a sophomore Computer Science and Math Major. This is our website where we post about our updates with our project. This is for our course on Assembly Language and Computer Organization. I have never programed an app before and this looks like a really challenging task that I am super excited to try!
This projects main goal is to get a functioning app that can connect to the drone and give it a path that is can fly on. While this at first seems like a simple and easy thing to do we realized that the scope of this project was actually much bigger than we first thought